Kamis, 29 Juli 2010

ngegosip di wall B

On July 20th 2010, Miky, Naomi, Lia, Dinda, and I gathered in dormitory beside Wall B. We did meeting there to discuss about our progress in this leadership project.
After that, Miky hurt my heart (LEBAY). He said that our editing was not really good. It means so-so. That is why he complaint to us. Stara did the same thing after saw our video. She said that the video that has been edited by us was unclear.
Actually, the problem began when we received that video from Lia. In that video we saw the unclearness when they were taking video. First, we cannot determine which one the leader, the vice head-master or the teacher. Then, there are too many photos and video that unnecessary to be taken. That video also looked blurry. Finally, whatever happened on that video, Naomi and I did our best. Such as, we covered the bad side from that video in order to make good video and make the leader of our team, Miky, the other member, and especially our handsome lecturer happy to see that video 
At the end, Miky was not satisfied enough about the previous video. Miky asked Lia to retake the video by going to SLB Bekasi Jaya. Stara also sent us Addendums for Leadership Video via email. So, we all hope that after Lia retake that video in SLB Bekasi Jaya, Naomi and I can do the job desk nicely and perfectly.
Thanks for read my story. Kiss Hug Poke 
-Hilda Rahmawita

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